
Showing posts from October, 2017

On-line and off-line personae in the virtual communities

Only a few persons (and it would be interesting to identify who) come to appreciate the conference as a social environment, where they acquire friends and enemies and build their own unique on-line identities. There has been little discussion of the assumption, for example, that an electronic survey among the users of a given system could provide a cheap and fast way to draw connections between on-line behavior and traditional socio-demographic variables (age, gender, level of education, family income, etc.). 


One of the most deeply-debated, and researched, models of persuasion is the ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model). Developed by Petty and Cacioppo (1981 to 1986). Based on cognitive processes, it "portrays receivers as active participants in the persuasion process. Receivers produce cognitions (thoughts, elaborations) in response to the stimulus of persuasive discourse" (Stephenson; Benoit; Tschida; 2001). Petty and Cacioppo argue there are two "routes" to persuasion: central and peripheral.